declaration of style
Wado Shinzen-Kai Kokusai Karate is a modern style of Karate within the martial arts world, which has been expanded and developed for today's society. The Wado Shinzen-Kai practices a derivative of Gojuryu with the formation of Shotokan Karate through GM Funakoshi as restructured by GM Ohtsuka with the incorporation of Shindo Yoshin Ryu Jujitsu into Wadoryu, meaning the “Harmony Way” or “Peace Way”, which was officially adopted in 1939 as one of the four “classical” styles of Japan. The other three being Shotokan, Goju and Shito-Ryu. Wadoryu was further enhanced by GM Isaac Henry Jr. in Beikoku Karate Do Goyukai (BKG-Wado) in 1959 to its final development as WADO SHINZEN-KAI KOKUSAI KARATE DO by GM Hawk and officially incorporated as a separate Ryu Ha with BKG Wado and Gensei Karate concepts as the fundamental core center
of our style in 1975 in Hackensack, New Jersey.
Self-defense technique and Kata with present day application are the center and major part of Wado Shinzen-Kai Kokusai training. All Kata within the WSK is being taught to what is known within the WSK as the personal interpretation of the 5 dimensions of Bunkai.
This Karate style is a very active and energetic style.
In addition to the usual empty hand techniques, you learn how to use a number of classical weapons such as Bo, Tonfa, Sai, Kama, Yawara (Yawarajutsu) and Sword (Tanta), which are well known Kobuto weapons within Okinawan and Japanese martial arts. In addition, all empty hand Kata are taught with the incorporation of Kobuto weapons of individual
Karateka choice at senior Yudansha level.
The Kata of the Wado Shinzen-Kai Kokusai are:
Basic drill 1-4, Pinon 1-5, Tenni-No Kata, Chi-i-No Kata, Ji-i-No Kata, Shyouri-No (WSK Specific) Basai Sho, Basai Dai, Chinto, Enpi, Naihanchi 1 & 2, Jion, Kushanku,
Chinto, Seishan, Niseishi, Jitte, Rohai, and Suparinpei.
There are 26 Kata in all, with the two core Kata being Kushanku & Chinto.
Kobujutsu Kata include: Sakagawa/Matsumura No Bo (Dai), Matsumura No Bo (Sho),
Matsumura no Bo Dai (GM Hohen Soken),
Bo Kumite, Ananku No Sai, Soken No Kama (Sho), Soken No Tonfa (Sho).
There are 6 Kata in all and Nunchaku Kata (Striking Exercise) along with striking techniques for Yawara and striking techniques with each weapon.
of our style in 1975 in Hackensack, New Jersey.
Self-defense technique and Kata with present day application are the center and major part of Wado Shinzen-Kai Kokusai training. All Kata within the WSK is being taught to what is known within the WSK as the personal interpretation of the 5 dimensions of Bunkai.
This Karate style is a very active and energetic style.
In addition to the usual empty hand techniques, you learn how to use a number of classical weapons such as Bo, Tonfa, Sai, Kama, Yawara (Yawarajutsu) and Sword (Tanta), which are well known Kobuto weapons within Okinawan and Japanese martial arts. In addition, all empty hand Kata are taught with the incorporation of Kobuto weapons of individual
Karateka choice at senior Yudansha level.
The Kata of the Wado Shinzen-Kai Kokusai are:
Basic drill 1-4, Pinon 1-5, Tenni-No Kata, Chi-i-No Kata, Ji-i-No Kata, Shyouri-No (WSK Specific) Basai Sho, Basai Dai, Chinto, Enpi, Naihanchi 1 & 2, Jion, Kushanku,
Chinto, Seishan, Niseishi, Jitte, Rohai, and Suparinpei.
There are 26 Kata in all, with the two core Kata being Kushanku & Chinto.
Kobujutsu Kata include: Sakagawa/Matsumura No Bo (Dai), Matsumura No Bo (Sho),
Matsumura no Bo Dai (GM Hohen Soken),
Bo Kumite, Ananku No Sai, Soken No Kama (Sho), Soken No Tonfa (Sho).
There are 6 Kata in all and Nunchaku Kata (Striking Exercise) along with striking techniques for Yawara and striking techniques with each weapon.