Bullying is a very hot topic right now. There are many different types of bullying including physical, verbal, social, cyber, and many more. History has proven there are going to be bullies at all facets of life. From childhood playground bullies, to teenage bullies, young adult bullies, sports bullies, adult bullying in our working lives from coworkers and bosses, to the extreme of nations bullying other nations.
We have really three choices in bullying situations:
1. Take it and do nothing about it; allowing the abuse to happen.
2. Try to get help from ‘authorities.’
(Depending on the situation, this may be the best choice of action.)
3. Stand up for yourself. Take action yourself.
We have a teenage student who shared a story with us from Friday, March 16, 2018. He instinctively used one of his first learned self-defense techniques we train regularly at AAMA. He expressed verbally he did not want any trouble. He then acted accordingly, defending himself as needed, and showed restraint once he had a superior position with the attacker.
‘I woke up late and was tired and cranky. After my mom dropped me off at school I decided to skip breakfast and go straight to the classroom. As soon as I got into the classroom, I sat down to talk to a friend. Another kid who normally bugs and antagonizes me made fun of me, but I just brushed it off and thought of it as nothing. When I finished my conversation with my friend, I got up to move. The kid who bugs me stepped in front of me and tried to shove me. I moved my shoulders out of the way and calmly said, “I don’t want any trouble.” He then started making fun of me, again, and tried to grab my arm. This time I loudly said, “I don’t want any trouble!” Before I could finish the word ‘trouble,’ he hit me in the stomach which folded me over. He then put me in a headlock with his right arm. I used one of the first self-defense techniques I was taught in class where I reached my left arm up over his head and pulled his nose backwards to bend him over. He immediately let go. I turned and got behind him, put my hands on his shoulders, and kicked the back of his knee making him buckle and fall down to his knee. When his knee hit the ground, I shoved him to the ground with my foot on his back and I went down to him with my entire weight on his shoulders. As soon as this happened, and I was on top, the teacher had come in the room as she yelled, “Stop! Both of you to opposite ends of the room!” Neither of us got in any trouble other than being separated. After the last class of the day, the kid came to me and said, “Look, I’m sorry. I thought you wanted to fight and I was ready. Just forgive me and let’s be friends.” I told him ok, but not real sure I trust him.’
At AAMA we wanted to share this story with the public to hopefully empower you to take a stand in your own personal life! Enroll your children in some sort of self-defensive art.
Even as an adult, if you are experiencing bullying; join an art that teaches self-defense. Not only will you learn how to physically defend yourself, but your mental confidence will grow as well, providing avenues to get your way out of bullying situations.
Take control of you and your family’s life!